Our Ministries
The unfolding of your words gives light;
it imparts understanding to the simple.
Psalm 119:130
Join us as we fellowship and grow in our walk with Jesus Christ.
For all age groups, we offer opportunities to learn how to apply the Word Of God to our present day lives.
Sunday Evening Worship
This is a time for Bible Study that will enlighten us into a better knowledge of God's ways on how we should live as Christians in this world. We will delve into the Bible, various subjects, and learn how to apply the Word Of God to our present day lives.
Family Night
Come and enjoy our Wednesday Night Family Night. We have many activities for children.
Prayer Time and Bible Study every Wednesday, except the First Wednesday of the Month we have Men's Ministry and WMU Missions Meetings.
Music Ministry
Music is a Wonderful way to convey the human condition of wanting to lift our voices to praise the Son of God. Every Sunday Afternoon at 4:30 p.m. the Adult Choir meets for practice in Church Sanctuary.
Children's choir is on the 1st and 3rd Sunday Evening of every month 6:00 pm.
Youth Group Study
Our youth meet every Wednesday evening for studies that will empower them with Christ's Word & teachings for life. This is a time for our youth to grow spiritually. Learning the way to live in Christlikeness today as well as for their future.
Children's Ministry
We offer a wide array of children's ministries to help each parent see their child grow in the knowledge and Spirit of God.
Children in Action (CiA) is a coed missions organization for children in grades 1-5. To learn more about this ministry please join us on Sunday Evenings.
Youth On Mission (YOM) is a coed missions organization for our youth grades 6 - 12. This is a time for them to learn about missions and to participate in doing Missions for church, community, and abroad. To learn more about this ministry please join us on Sunday Evenings.
Team Kid is a a time for our younger children to delve into the Bible on Wednesday Evenings. There are various lessons and studies that are used at our disposal to make sure every child reaches their potential in spiritual growth and deep knowledge of Christ & His teachings.
Mission Friends provides the building blocks of faith and a basic awareness of God's love for all people. This ministry is offered to preschoolers, and is offered Wednesday Evenings. Children get a foundation of love for missions and how they can help others in need.